About Us
Why story of me?
We are the stories that we tell ourselves.
But what if these stories aren't working for us & even if we want to change the narrative, we don't know how?
The Story of Me helps you identify your story & gives you the tools to rewrite it.
Let the new story begin!
Contact storyofmeworkshop@gmail.com to know more.
What is Story of Me?
The Story of Me is a unique workshop that helps people to be the best versions of themselves. It assists them to identify their authentic self, their strengths and their own conditioning. The Story of Me, invites its participants to a pause, a date with themselves in order to understand how they may recraft their story and realign their goals to maximise their wellbeing. The Story of Me sparks a journey that might change the way you see your future.
The workshop is designed sensitively to protect the privacy of the participants, while giving them the necessary tools to re-evaluate, reconsider and re-write thier story. It has a upbeat and uplifting impact. The workshop is based on inputs from Positive Psychology, Applied Neuroscience and Narrative Therapy.
We provide structured facilitation, in the experiential workshop, using proven coaching and counselling tools. We also provide check-ins with the participants in order to support them in their journey.
Expertly facilitated by Prionka Ray and Nandini Das Ghoshal, they bring to the programme more than 40 years of combined experience from their individual professions – Mentoring, Psychotherapy & Coaching.
In our mid lives, over the course of many roles, responsibilities, and experiences, our inner self gets buried under the labels given to us by the others. This workshop helps us to discover the labels that work for us and those that need to be discarded.
The Story of Me does not preach. It fully acknowledges the power of every individual to design and frame their own lives. Instead, the programme aims to empower and enhance that power of self-creation.
The Story of Me checks in with its participants from time to time as well, so as to gently nudge them towards their stories with call-ins and meet-ups, both online and offline.
Who is this workshop for?
This workshop is ideal for people who:
- Want to explore new avenues and new purpose
- Want to gain clarity on what's holding them back
- Want to get back their mojo
- Want to rediscover themselves & feel energized
- Want to lead a happier & better life
In their everyday lives, they could be a chef, teacher, doctor, home-maker, writer, executive, entrepreneur or none of these, but there is always more to people than they see in themselves.
A life coaching conversation helps to reset the button, reclaim one’s path, rediscover and find new ways to express oneself. After heartening participant success stories from our previous sessions, we are back with new workshop dates.

Some Frequently Asked Questions.
Check out the Video:

The Story of Me brings to you this experience in a way that is experiential, combining the knowledge and expertise of many self-help books and training programmes in one place.
The Creators & the Facilitators
Nandini Das Ghoshal
Nandini is an executive and life coach and learning professional, working across Singapore, India and other countries.
She offers individuals leadership coaching, career coaching and purpose coaching to discover the best of themselves.
She offers workshops that help in aligning teams to have more effective working experiences with each other, align to organization goals, ideate and achieve greater collaboration with each other.
She creates bespoke learning programmes and e-learning programmes for her clients and conduct bespoke research and content.
Nandini is the Founder and Chief Learning Activist of Rhizome Learning, Singapore. She is also a founding member of ION Partnership, a global network of coaches.
Nandini practices emotionally empowering, strength-based coaching that draws from the GROW model, Narrative Therapy, Thinking Environments ( Time to Think by Nancy Kline ) and Applied Neuroscience. She works with her clients on topics of Leadership, Inner Transition, Culture and Career.
She is credentialed as a Masteries Practitioner, International Association of Coaching (IAC) and certified for NBM, the Science of the Art of Coaching ( Applied Neuroscience). She is also a certified facilitator of Extended DISC, CWQ and Lego Serious Play.
She has been the co-founder of a consumer intelligence practice in the past, and has worked with many blue-chip organizations, brands as well as SMEs, in India and Singapore. She is based out of Singapore and a doting mom to a 17 year old lady in the making and a 12 year old aspiring footballer.
See more of her work on www.rhizomeonline.com
For queries around one-on-one coaching or leadership programmes, you can write to her directly at nandini@rhizomeonline.com.
Prionka Ray
Prionka is a Psychotherapist and a Coach to teens and adults. She is also an author, consultant and the Founding Director of Sequel Counselling, Communications & Consultancy.
Prionka offers Self Development as well as counselling sessions. Her approach is collaborative and integrative and she combines concepts from Psychology, creative problem solving and communications. She also offers Crisis Consultations for issues such as anxiety, stress, depression, lack of purpose, psychological pain, problems in relationships, lack of motivation, etc. Apart from assisting adults, Prionka also assists kids and teens in periods of confusion and crisis, and works with parents to address parenting issues. A mum to two adult daughters, Prionka is a registered Volunteer-Mentor for teens & families at the Ministry of Social & Family Development (Singapore) and volunteers at various welfare organisations.
In her communication avtaar, Prionka is a developmental editor and writes for various publications. Her book, Sia, was published in 2012.
For appointments and consultations, contact: rayprionka@gmail.com. www.prionkaray.com (Facebook / Instagram @prionkaray)
We're always happy to talk about how we can best serve you.
Get in touch
Contact: Storyofmeworkshop@gmail.com
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