Everything that Marie Kondo says about our physical space, our house, could very well apply to our other home, our mind. The “things” that she talks about in our houses would not be the physical things in our other home, but the intangible stuff that resides therein — our thoughts, beliefs, values, emotions, memories, our
January, 2019 | Story of me workshop
Notes from Singapore: Challenges of Being a Woman Entrepreneur
The challenges of being a woman entrepreneur in Singapore include struggling with work-life-family… Read more
Do You Seek a Therapist Only When you Have a Problem?
Do you seek a Therapist only when you have a problem, a disorder or an issue? The answer is no. Therapy and therapists have changed over the years. Though Psychology traditionally dealt with problems and disorders of the human mind, the new trends in Psychology have changed the way Therapy is practised. The latest (and